Coventry City Council is proposing substantial changes:
The current arrangement (google satellite view)
The council proposes to add a roundabout and alter the traffic signals:
Council proposals
In both of the above images, Broad Lane crosses between right and left (east and west) and the A45 crosses between top and bottom (north & south).
I understand that the traffic lights on the A45 will follow a cycle of just under 60 seconds:
- Traffic from A45 (south) held
- Traffic from both A45 directions held
- Traffic from A45 (north) held
- Traffic from both A45 directions held
More details from
Coventry Telegraph.
What about Cycling?
Roundabouts are often dangerous for cycling. Motorists leaving the roundabout cross the path of cyclists. Motorists trying to enter the roundabout may overlook cyclists already on the roundabout, especially if the cyclist is too close to the outside kerb or the motorist is impatient.
Cycling along Broad Lane
I think cyclists using the carriageway will find the new arrangement to be no more or less daunting than the current arrangement. It won't be the most dangerous sort of roundabout as traffic lights will protect cyclists from traffic entering from the A45. The big change is the addition of Toucan crossings to provide an off-carriageway route over the junction.
Off-carriageway cycle paths typically suffer from the following problems:
- Sharing with pedestrians. The narrower the path the bigger the problem.
- Turns too tight; routes are often designed for pedestrians rather than cyclists. Pedestrians have a far smaller turning circle than cyclists.
- Hazards on returning to the carriageway.
The council has yet to publish details of the off-carriageway cycle route, so specific comments cannot be made at the moment. The vehicular entrance/exit to the Wing Wah restaurant (SW corner of the junction) will pose difficulties for westbound cyclists rejoining Broad Lane.
Cycling along the A45
There won't be much difference for people cycling along the A45. The council is, however, proposing a change 200m north of the junction, on the east side of the A45 which could lead to an improvement.
At the moment the service road on the east side is one-way, southbound (marked with arrows):
The council proposes to cut a gap between the service road and the A45 at the point marked with the blue spot. Motorists coming from the northern suburbs will join the A45 at that point, but their access to the service road south of the point will be blocked.
If the footway along the east side of the A45 were made into a shared use path, people would be allowed to cycle legally from the Broad Lane junction alongside the A45 carriageway to the "blue spot". From there they could continue to the residential areas to the north. I'm negotiating with the council about this point.
UPDATE August 2015
At the Public Services
Cabinet Member meeting (4th August), it was agreed that the
footway running alongside the A45 between Broad Lane and Rembrandt Close be converted into a shared
use footway/cycleway. This will provide a safe and convenient route between the Broad Lane junction and the Windsford Avenue / Buckingham Rise area (avoiding Wildcroft Road).
It was also agreed to provide a puffin crossing on Broad Lane to the east of the A45. This might help people cycling to/from Sainsbury's.